Right now, you can toggle both the additional art on the sides and the main bar. You will need an action bar addon like bartender/bongos/dominos to actually place action buttons on top of the bar frame. Torchlight 3, for all ifs flaws, has controller support built in. No more blue energy orbs for rogues (and warriors and stuff)! WoW has rudimentary controller support (no UI to assign functions - you have to use CVARs to fully customize a controller from a forum guide as Blizzard provides no info on it themselves). The power orb will now change color according to druid forms, or the player being a warrior/rogue. Optional angel/demon frame, widened the bottom bar. The texture d3_bar4.tga is used instead of the original one for easier placement of action bars. Strata of frames changed to prevent UI elements getting hidden behind. These are the Diablo 3 Orbs, taken from Roth UI v080722, with some changes. No rune display yet, I recommend RuneMover until then. should support death knights and runic power as of 1.21b. BEWARE: If you are updating from version 1.1 or lower to 1.2 or higher, you HAVE to delete the old folders! (Diablo3Orbs, Diablo3HealthFrame, rFader, rTextures)